Electronic Giving

Offerings are one way we give thanks to God for all His mercies.  How do we give thanks with our offerings when we can't attend worship?  You have basically two easy ways:

Mail your offering to the church (5092 480th ST, Germantown, IA  51046) DO NOT SEND CASH IN THE MAIL!  … or if you are in Germantown, you can drop it off at the church.

Set up an account with Vanco Payment Services through the Vanco Mobile (formerly GivePlus+) Phone App.  Follow the instructions below.  Please set up an account so that we have a name with the offering and are able to record it as we do the offering envelopes each Sunday when you give in church.

Please remember that our weekly budget needs average $4800.  Your gifts during this time are appreciated!

Vanco Mobile

With Vanco Mobile, you can use your smartphone to make secure, convenient one-time or recurring donation to St. John with these easy steps:

*Search for the church name (St John Lutheran Church Paullina IA [no punctuation])

*Click on the "Give" Button

*Enter the Amount you want to give

*Choose the Fund and Frequency of your offering

*Provide payment method (either bank account/routing numbers OR Credit/Debit Card)
